If your dog's not feeling well, it might be time to take a closer look. There are many reasons why your dog might be feeling under the weather. They might have eaten something that didn't agree with them. Or, they might have caught a stomach bug that's going around. For those issues, a couple days of rest can usually solve the problem. But there are times when rest doesn't resolve the issue. For those instances, medical care may be necessary. Here are four signs you need to take your dog to an animal hospital as soon as possible. 

Your Dog's Mood Has Changed

If your dog doesn't feel well, watch their mood. Serious illnesses can affect your dog's behavior. Some dogs may become more aggressive. They may growl when you try to touch them or invade their personal space. Other dogs may become clingy. They may want to follow you everywhere you go or sit right beside you. If you notice mood changes or behavioral issues with your dog, speak to a veterinarian right away. 

Your Dog Has Bathroom Problems

If your dog is sick, you may watch for things like diarrhea or vomiting. But other bathroom problems can be a sign of health problems for your dog. Some of those signs include constipation or discolored urine. If your dog is unable to pass stool without straining or has discolored urine, visit an animal hospital as soon as possible. These issues could be signs of a serious medical condition. 

Your Dog's Cold Has Gotten Worse

If your dog has a mild case of the sniffles, there's probably nothing to worry about. Sniffles are common during cold and allergy season. This is especially true if your dog spends a lot of time outside. But if your dog's cold symptoms have gotten worse, it may be time to head to the animal hospital. Your dog could be suffering from an upper respiratory infection. Some of the signs to watch for are wheezing, thick nasal discharge, and coughing. If your dog's gums turn blue while they're coughing, get to the animal hospital immediately. 

Your Dog Refuses to Eat

If your dog has lost their appetite, watch them for the day. They might not be hungry. But if your dog refuses to eat for more than a day, you need to seek medical attention right away. This is especially important if your dog also refuses to drink water. Lose of appetite can pose a serious risk for your dog.
